
Why Should I Have My Varicose Veins Treated?

Why Should I Have My Varicose Veins Treated?Varicose veins are unsightly, but if you’re a person who doesn’t often show off the areas where the veins are located, you may think that it’s okay to simply let the veins be. What we tell our NY Tri-State area patients at Sutton Place Laser Vein Care is that varicose veins aren’t just something of a blemish cosmetically, but they can be hazardous to a person’s health as well, and it’s always important to have your varicose veins taken care of by a professional.

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Why Should I Have My Varicose Veins Treated?

Why Should I Have My Varicose Veins Treated?Varicose veins are unsightly, but if you’re a person who doesn’t often show off the areas where the veins are located, you may think that it’s okay to simply let the veins be. What we tell our NY Tri-State area patients at Sutton Place Laser Vein Care is that varicose veins aren’t just something of a blemish cosmetically, but they can be hazardous to a person’s health as well, and it’s always important to have your varicose veins taken care of by a professional.

The first step in understanding how varicose veins can be harmful to your health is getting something of an understanding about varicose veins in general. A varicose vein is formed when the one way valves inside of your veins, the valves that keep your blood pumping towards your heart, begin to weaken and stop working as they should. These damaged valves allow blood to begin pooling or backing up within the vein, causing the vein to then swell and grow closer to the surface of your skin. While varicose veins will most often form in the legs or ankles, they can actually pop up anywhere, and these swollen veins with broken valves can leave those with them in a hazardous situation.

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Stepping In To Better Looking Legs

Stepping In To Better Looking LegsOne of the common misconceptions that many people have is that spider veins appear with age. While it may be true that they are more prone to showing as people go through life, the truth is that spider veins can affect individuals of any age group.

Spider veins are really just small capillaries which have either burst, or can no longer effectively propel the blood through the circulatory system. When this happens, blood can pool in these areas, and that is what causes the discoloration which is visible through the surface layer of the skin.

One of the reasons that spider veins are often associated with age is because person’s veins will naturally begin to slow in function over time. However, there are still a number of other factors that can contribute to their appearance:

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Effective Treatments For Long Term Solutions

Effective Treatments For Long Term SolutionsMany people who experience varicose veins will often put off seeking any kind of intervention for this issue. While a number of factors can come into play for this decision, some of the more common ones that we have heard at Sutton Place Laser Vein Care include:

  • More varicose veins will just appear
  • The treatment won’t last
  • The procedure will include too much downtime
  • It will take too long to heal

These suppositions are not entirely true, and with newer techniques that more effectively address the problem of varicose veins, the decision to have treatment can become an easier one.

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Getting Back To Living Fully

Getting Back To Living FullyWhile some instances of varicose veins can be a part of a larger wellness issue, most people who have varicosities are otherwise very healthy. The appearance of these protrusions on the legs, hands, and extremities is really just an aspect of the body’s physiology at work.

In order to accommodate the flow of blood to and from the heart, the vessels of the circulatory system are highly elastic. This allows for expansion during exercise and warm weather, and contraction during relaxation and cooler temperatures. All of this is really a part of being healthy, and while the vessels have a lot of flexibility, they can become worn out.

This is even more apparent in the veins of the extremities, because the valves in these vessels need to work harder against gravity while returning the blood to the heart. As a result, when the valves begin to fail, the blood will begin to pool in these areas. The elasticity of the vessels lets them expand to accommodate this possibility, but it can also lead to the protrusion that most people associate with varicose veins.

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Using Technology To Make A Great Impression

Using Technology To Make A Great ImpressionAdvances in medical science have benefited all disciplines of the practice. One of the greater changes that has occurred is that surgeries which once required invasive techniques and longer recovery times have been made more efficient and effective. Laser based surgery has helped to revolutionize a number of practices, and get patients on their feet again with speed.

Treatments for varicose veins are included in these innovations. In the past, attending to varicose veins could involve deeper incisions to generate the corrective benefits of intervention. However, Endovenous Laser Ablation (EVLA) has done away with many of the concerns that patients may have when trying to correct varicose veins.

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An Involved Name For An Easy Solution

An Involved Name For An Easy SolutionVaricose veins can be become a strong focus for many people, as they impact self image based on appearance, but can sometimes be indicative of continuing issues in the circulatory system. Truthfully, as every person has a unique physiological composition with specialized body functions, the root causes for varicose veins may be entirely different from person to person.

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Quality And Comfort Can Mean The Same Thing For Wellbeing

Quality And Comfort Can Mean The Same Thing For WellbeingWith all of the demands of modern life, it is frequent for individuals to neglect certain aspects of wellbeing. The reasoning behind this concept can vary between people and lifestyles, but some of the common excuses for simply living with varicose veins include:

  • Don’t want to take time off for the procedure/recovery/
  • Thinking it is just a cosmetic issue
  • Concerned about pain and the healing process
  • Concerned about the finances
  • Thinking that it is just a part of life that should be lived with

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How To Be Up And Walking In Style

How To Be Up And Walking In StyleVaricose veins can really affect anyone, although the impact of how prominent the issue is can certainly vary. For some people, a few spider veins on the thighs or calves may be a minimal bother, and the use of cosmetics to cover these small patches is quite common. However, even these minimal expressions of varicosities can become a bother of constant maintenance when getting ready to go out and look your best.

It is understandable that people with small patches of spider veins may not immediately consider having a cosmetic procedure, since it can seem like a large undertaking for something that is being managed. The concern is when managing becomes a greater focus and use of time, and this can eventually cut into lifestyle and the enjoyment of going out and about.

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Get A Fall Start For Your Summer Body

Get A Fall Start For Your Summer BodyAlthough the holidays may present a slight challenge to maintaining a summer ready body though the winter months, the New Year also presents an ideal time to make resolutions for fitness, health, and beauty. The colder months may be a perfect time to not only get in shape, but to also consider other factors which will ensure that you are ready for the beach as soon as the weather warms.

Varicose veins and spider veins are often one of the concerns that become more prominent when it is time to show more skin. At Sutton Place Laser Vein Care, we help our clients find the best solutions to reduce the prominence of varicosities and the discoloration of spider veins.

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